miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2007

Llegaste a mí

Mi corazón y yo hemos decidido no tratar
porque últimamente solo nos tocó sangrar.
Y eso está bien; ya tengo mis problemas
para perder el tiempo en otros temas.
Pero llegaste a mi sin que te lo pidiera
con solo sonreír has roto mi barrera.
He vuelto a sentir algo que había olvidado
te culpo solo a ti por haberme mirado.
Me siento tan extraño como si no fuera yo
y todo lo que hago no obedece a la razón
Yo estaba bien, conforme y controlado
creo que sé porqué todo a cambiado
Y es que llegaste a mi sin que te lo pidiera
con solo sonreír has roto mi barrera.
He vuelto a sentir algo que había olvidado
te culpo solo a ti por haberme mirado.
Y es que llegaste a mi sin que te lo pidiera
con solo sonreír has roto mi barrera.
He vuelto a sentir algo que había olvidado
te culpo solo a ti por haberme mirado

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2007

A song called everything


How many more times will you say that you love me
How many more times will you wake up beside me
You think that you told me what I'd like to hear
But I think you should tell me how you really feel

I'll be your pawn,
I'll be your king
I'll bear your scorn,
I'll wear your ring
Our feet won't hardly touch the ground
We'll float away without a sound
You want to reach out and touch my hands
You promise you'll do everything, everything, everything you can

Now how does it feel that I strung you along
You're bound to try to conceal that maybe you had it wrong
There's too many true feelings you've had to contain
When you wake up tomorrow will you still feel the same

I'll be your pawn,
I'll be your king
I'll bear your scorn,
I'll wear your ring
Our feet won't hardly touch the ground
We'll float away without a sound
You want to reach out and touch my hands
You promise you'll do everything, everything, everything you can

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2007

Midnight Confessions

The Grass Roots

The sound of your footsteps
Telling me that you're near
Your soft gentle motion, baby
Brings out the need in me that no-one can hear, except

In my midnight confessions
When I tell all the world that I love you
In my midnight confessions
When I say all the things that I want to
I love you

But a little gold ring you wear on your hand makes me understand
There's another before me, you'll never be mine
I'm wasting my time
Staggering through the daytime
Your image on my mind
Passing so close beside you baby
Sometimes the feelings are so hard to hide, except

In my midnight confessions
When I tell all the world that I love you
In my midnight confessions
When I say all the things that I want to
I love you

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2007

Closure for the self; My beautiful consequence.

"...I don't really know why I am so angry at you. I look back, and I'm disappointed at you, and mad at myself. Maybe for thinking you could actually help me, for feeling you could protect me, and for believing you were the greatest thing that had happened to me in such a long time.
I didn't really think about it. I couldn't say all you wanted was to feel safe, secure; accepted. Now i realize I knew it, but again didn't accept it. After all, I can't say you didn't love me. You did. And you tried to demonstrate it in a lot of ways, or that's what we believed. Maybe you just made sure to constantly say it, as to convince ourselves it was true. But then I did the same, and I convinced myself that my place was with you, and that you'd make me feel alive.
You didn't use to make anything extraordinary, and I felt I was constantly making little sacrifices. And now I feel stupid. For a sacrifice is the last thing we should have done and yet we both felt we gave everything we had and tried so hard. I began to think that if I could surprise you maybe you'd want to do the same. And now I realize you cared all the same, for your silence told me everything, much better than you would ever do. Your silence told me what we both didn't want to hear; Love has gone.
The thing is, love is not about trying. There was no need to give ourselves completely in. And I remember thinking, this should not be that hard. And the truth is, it shouldn't be hard at all. For now I now there was no real confidence. I knew I wanted to trust you, but then I wasn't completely sure that you were doing the same. So there goes our intimacy, just another ilussion longed for, for such a long time, right from the start. We can put it right next to our hopes and fake dreams in which we said we'd grow together, and learn together, and create.
Yet, the saddest part of all is we didn't really think about being just happy; we thought and talked about many things, except that. We would have been frustrated, for the really important things are not meant to be thought, they are meant to be lived, and that's when it all faded away; that's where everything became a pretty nice ilussion.
Although, I really didn't suffer losing you. I guess since it was a rather gradual process it didn't really hurt as much. Maybe that was the way it was meant to happen, for we never took a fast and safe step, we always thought a lot about everything and would take such a long time to do something.
Now I know for sure there was a part of yourself that you didn't want me to meet at all, and in a way I feel deceived. For I always tried to be really honest with you. I wanted you to get to know me better, or maybe that's what I thought and I was really terrified about you doing it...."

--------------And here is where everything spins around.--------------------

And she realizes she's standing in front of a mirror, feeling/knowing herself to be happier than ever in her life. She's living.


Y pues sí, en las palabras de la buena Cristina, "el amor crea". Y las fuentes de inspiración pueden parecer trilladas y aburridas de tan obvias, pero en este caso aunque sea obvio, el contexto hace que se convierta en algo inherentemente especial, y auténtico.

"Random Thoughts"

Cabe aclarar que he querido que el título de este blog sea una quote directa de una película del siempre simpático y genialmente indescifrable Charlie Kauffman, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. Y supongo que es muy significativo dada la realidad en la que me encuentro actualmente. El personaje principal, Joel Barish, trata de escribir sus 'random thoughts' un buen día en que todo le parece ligeramente bizarro. No es él mismo, y sin embargo no se alarma. Le llama la atención haber sido impulsivo, sin embargo su característica falta de seguridad y autoestima lo llevan a que crea que este acto ha sido improductivo y como muchas otras, una mala idea. Anyway, Joel empieza a escribir desde su mente vacía. No lo sabe, no está consciente de ello, pero algo muy significativo dentro de él ha cambiado. Y tampoco sabe a dónde lo llevarán sus próximos actos, o el destino para tal caso, que podemos notar es simplemente entregarse, por amor o dependencia.

Y aunque el caso del Sr. Barrish es en realidad triste, pues en sus propias palabras, "su vida no es tan interesante", hay un lado optimista en todo esto, y es simplemente la oportunidad que su destino, que él mismo, se ha dado no para empezar de nuevo, pero para empezar diferente. Para empezar algo diferente y tal vez en esencia similar.
Por ello trato hoy de condensar un poco mi niebla. Estas pequeñas gotas que son mis random thoughts, se podrá adivinar, me darán un escape, en el sentido de que hay mucho aquí adentro y nada más no encuentra cómo salir. Ahora que la poesía se vive y no se ha podido escribir. Pero gracias a Anger [refiriéndome al director que sí, ahora es como mi dios, y en una pequeña parte en sentido literal], la inspiración viene de regreso, poco a poco y como las primeras gotas de lluvia.
Cabe aclarar que en el concepto de Niebla aquí usado, el amor es el "jugo", la esencia de la Niebla. Amo, ergo sum.